Sunday, March 17, 2013

Political Dabbling

Some of you may have heard of something that went down in the south involving the CPAC  (conservative political action conference) and a man names Scott Terry. I've read several different articles, that I'm not linking here about this incident. It seems that things are being contributed to this man, such as that he was advocating for slavery, which he never said and explains that here.

Just in case someone wants to read an accurate report, here's a link that takes the time to quote Terry correctly. And here is a website explaining the morality behind what Terry said. Last of all here's an overview of the event at large.

From what I've heard (that's TRUE) of the incident, and having the southern roots that I do, I appreciate that  someone was taking a stand instead of letting the old south get demonized.  I also appreciate them making the case that whites are getting disenfranchised. I wish the mainstream media wouldn't lie and defame people who have the guts to speak the truth.

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