Saturday, September 1, 2012

Riding Along in My Automobile.

  There was SO much I wanted to say about this trip (so far) it could not of possibly fit on a fbk status. So here I am, falling back to my neglected blog spot. Poor blog.

  Firstly, driving was a fantastic idea. Absolutely amazing! Yes, it did end up being more money. But the experience!!! *Sigh* 100% worth it.

  Normally I hate driving through large cities and the traffic associated with it. I would rather drive through a rainstorm than city traffic. However, I had to pass through Illinois, right through the Chicago area, and the four lane stop-and-go traffic didn't bother me at all. On the contrary, I got an adrenalin rush. Thanking God for small mercies :)

  Driving through Wisconsin made me want to tear my hair out! The speed limit there is 65 MPH, and people go SIXTY-FIVE. And IF one of the natives happen to get adventurous and start going 66 MPH of course they get in the "fast" lane to do so. In Wisconsin there is no fast lane...they're "slow" and "slower" lanes. I felt like a rabbit, stuck behind a turtle passing a snail for the majority of my drive through the cheese head state. Oya ve.                                                                              

    Minnesota was much better, the speed limit went back up to 70 mph and people didn't sit in the fast lane. Plus there was a lot more to see, like windmill farms! Rows upon rows of wind turbines. So cool. But the most fabulous part of driving through Minnesota was driving over the Mississippi river. Of course I knew in my head I that I'd have to cross it, but it didn't really register until I see this bridge ahead spanning a beautiful wide river and the little green sign that said "Mississippi River" Cue another adrenalin rush. Of course I missed the rest station that was right beside the river, so I pulled off at the next exit because I was determined that there was no way I was going to be crossing that river unless I touched it. Oh the joys of being kinesthetic. At the next exit I pulled off and parked my care beside the road, there was this little gravel area so I thought it was kind of a public scenic park place. I realized pretty soon this was not the case, and was considering just driving away but NO, I was determined (I can hear you saying stubborn). Sure enough, there was a sign that said "Private property, no trespassing" and the stairs led down to a house with a giant yard. Buuuut it didn't look anyone was home, and I was determi...well never mind. Being the rebellious imp that I am, I broke the law, trespassed across that private property, took my flip flop off and stuck my foot in the Mississippi. Just so I could say I did it. Naturally I took a picture or two as well. Heck, if I was going to break the law I might as well make it worth while. No angry giants appeared to grind my bones.

   Iooowaaa (Yes, the Music Man song does start playing in my head)




    One of the reformed girl's(I'm sorry, young lady) we had met the internet had come to  Michigan and visited with us, and offered to let me stay the night at her place. On her trip up here I didn't really get to know her that well, because there were tons of people who knew her from the internet and wanted to meet and converse with her. That being said, I was up for getting to know her better. It was fabulous. She comes from a family of 11 children all told and I got to meet five of her siblings and her mom. A couple of her younger sisters stayed and chatted with us and her brothers and it was a blast. After they had gone home and her brother she shares a house with had gone to bed we stayed up and talked until almost two in the morning. It was very encouraging to be able to converse with a lady close to my own age, with a better grip on our theology then I'll ever dream of having and is in roughly the area of walk in life as I am. That doesn't happen very often where I come from. In fact, I can't recall the last time that has happened. I was a little nervous staying with someone I didn't really know (awkward turtle swims by) but God knew what He was doing. As always. I left Iowa well fed, better informed, uplifted in spirit, weighed down with gifts of food, and feeling more homesick than I felt when I left home. I didn't feel homesick when I left home. But I think that's because I know home will be there but I don't know when I'll get to fellowship with those awesome people again. I have to remind myself to be thankful when these good times happen and not dwell on the fact that they might not occur again.

     Minnesota was a good state to drive through, but the best state to drive through thus far? Hands down South Dakota. Rolling hills, wild gorgeous land, wind that whips  your hair, and startling views that bedazzle your eyes. Everything about it made me  feel compelled to stop, take a deep breath, and acknowledge that I'm alive. South Dakota doesn't want to be tamed. Not only is it eye candy for a long road trip, but there are so many fun places to stop. I stopped at a art sculpture park, a corn "palace" an Old West imitated drug store, and of course Mount Rushmoore. There were so many moments driving through South Dakota when I would take a bend, or crest a hill and think "God, truly Your handiwork is marvelous". Couldn't help it, maybe it's just because it's so different from flat Michigan but I kept pondering about what a masterful Creator He is, to put so much beauty in the land. Oh, and also the speed limit is 75 ;)

  One thing is for sure, I don't like driving in the dark. Not only because of the low light/high glare problem, but also because I can't bear to think what I'm missing because I can't see the land I'm traveling. It also makes it feel like the trip is taking longer.

 Trying to book my hotel was a chore. Poor mom, I'm so glad she wasn't with me, she would of had a heart attack. Not wanting to stop and take time to figure out where I'll be stopping for the night I did it on the road. Driving 80 plus down the highway,looking at my map, travel instructions, and guide book to hotels simultaneously while talking on the phone. All I've got to say about that is thank goodness for hands free phone technology and that I have mad multi-tasking skills. Annnd I'm grateful no one got hurt. I'm safe in my hotel for the night, freshly showered and have had my improvised supper of nachos; I should have been asleep a hour ago but I haven't had the internet for two days. :P

  My heart if full of gratitude to God, His mercies great and small, and the many blessings He has showered down upon me on this trip thus far.