Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Homeward Bound

What a whirlwind!

Crazy to think that the past three months, and everyone and everything involved are now just a memory. In one way that's a good thing, I now have "memory" of everything I learned ;)  On the other hand, I'm going to miss this section of my life. God is good to me, His blessings were manifold on this academic journey.

Other memories? Like Mary I'll store them in my heart and ponder them. And perhaps they will not all  just be memories, I hope to maintain some lasting friendships from this trip. The likelyhood that I'll see these people again are slim...but God has done some crazy things in my life that I never guessed would of happened a year ago (like becoming a midwife...where did that idea come from?!) so who knows? I have a promise that if I don't see them again in this land I will see them in the heavenly kingdom. No worries.

But the whirlwind is still blowing, the next two weeks involve an interview for an apprenticeship with a midwife (that's today!) Thanksgiving with friends, then hurrying home for my brother's rehearsal dinner, soon to be SIL's bachorellete party, and wedding. Then not even a week later is another rehearsal dinner/wedding for a good friend. Maybe after that things will slow down, but the Holidays are upon us so I'm not expecting to much. It's even possible I might be moving, if this interview goes well.

Crazy...crazy defines my life in general, but especially right now. A good crazy.

Praise God for His tender mercies are new every morning.

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