Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Tolerance Bomb - Sermon Notes 10-21-12

The sermon today at church was about being ever ready to have an answer for those who ask (I Peter 3:15). Second Corinthians 10:4-5 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ) was the text for the day, additional texts included Ephesians 6:10-19 and Jeremiah 1.

God tells us over again in scripture that we He is the only way to heaven, and that He will judge everyone (John 14:6, Acts 4:12, John 5:22). We are His tools to spread the word, God tells us through Peter that we need to be ready to give an answer to people who ask about the hope that lies within us. He does not expect us to be black belt theologians and debaters (although he does expect us to practice these skills so we can continue to grow better and more accomplished) but He does require us to know the scripture and to stand up for His word.

When we debate we are not arguing with only the opponent in front of us, it is spiritual warfare. We do not have the capability to change their hearts, they do not have the capability to do so. They have the opportunity, the truth is there for them but they cannot embrace it unless God opens there heart. The devil sits and whispers in their ears to close them to what we have to say, we must speak Christ as ambassadors and pray God will open their ears. Bringing thoughts captive is part of evangelism  including bringing other people's thoughts captive. In today's culture there is a thought cloud that at best thinks Christianity is a harmful delusion. We don't witness to blank canvass, everyone has strongholds in their minds already, they are protected, fortified thoughts and ideas, and the people that hold these ideas are held highly by culture.We need to make them see that they are not high and might and their arguments are not impenetrable in order to conduct an argument.

 Our culture has been catechized well to say that Christianity is intolerant. They may not recognize this catechism, but they know their catechism  they say "that's intolerant" to anything brought up in Christianity. It is a cover word for "Bigoted, proud, arrogant  close minded". We cannot let this accusation lay us flat on our backs or we have no argument.

The truth as it is is exposed to that charge of intolerance. It *is* exclusive arrogant, intolerant & bigoted. A lie is always tolerant because any falsehood will do, but for truth no falsehood will do. The falsehood however is equally intolerant, because it says the truth will never do, it is intolerant of the truth. The question becomes one of "intolerant to what?"

Satan has always been intolerant of God. The devil is prideful and desiring to reject truth. He tries to get Eve to see the same way, he tells her "God can't tell you what to do, you choose, He's (God) is arrogant, bigoted, and intolerant" A lie does not change reality, but the perception of reality. It creates tunnel vision and excludes the truth to focus on one thing. Eve knows God loves her, yet in line with Stan's lies she excludes this truth and focuses in on what she see's as her inability to choose, to choose freedom.

People equate humility and tolerance as the same thing. We need to rob them of this cloak, not by taking it ourselves but by exposing them as arrogant and intolerant themselves. Jesus was not accepting of every one, He was exclusive. Christianity draws this exclusivity doctrine from Christ and the scriptures. We must disabuse culture on the effeminate view of Christ (which is hard to do as other Christian propagate such a view.)

True tolerance wants debates, if you want to know who is truly intolerant ask who is trying to shut the debate down. Who is intolerant, the one who wants to engage in respectful free speech, or the one who wants to shut it down? Trying to silence someone by labeling them intolerant is the very definition of intolerance.

 The debate of intolerance is truly one of what is right and what is wrong, not of whether or not you are being tolerant. Now hang in here through this next sentence...intolerant people have no problem telling you you are intolerant and that intolerance is wrong, and that being intolerant of intolerance is not wrong because being intolerant is wrong. So then you have to ask, so it's not wrong to call something intolerant as long as it's wrong?

Some people may not be that hostile to what you have to say, they are just repeating their catechisms, others may be completely rabid about it.

Remember the point of the debate isn't neccesarily to change to mind of the person you are debating, it may be a silent listener whose mind is changed, another Christian may be encouraged by what s/he hear, even if you feel like you got ran over by a Mac truck. The debate may simply be for your own encouragement and chance to learn. Regardless we are told to stand, and having done all, to stand, so stand we must.

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