As a conscientious christian, who has studied the presidential hopeful's for both parties, I can only come to the conclusion that it would be a sin for me to vote for either, and I refuse to give into many Christians pleading to vote for McCain so Obama won't win.
Now, here in this blog post I present my returns that I have sent in private emails to some of my friends urging me to give my support to McCain, and also stuff I have published about Obama.
To the phrase "You should vote for McCain/Palin, I respond:
As a christian I believe it's wrong for me to vote McCain/Pail as much as it is to vote for Obama/Biden. I know how McCain votes, and I know it's not constitutional. And while he may be "Pro-life" all that means is he's not actively for it, but neither is he actively against it.
I want a president who is actually going to FIGHT and try to change the laws about it, not some one who is simply going to let millions of babies still be killed each year, the only difference being from a democrat is he won't try to make laws to kill more.
McCain would be guilty of the sin of omission in not keeping the sixth commandment (thou shalt not murder) in not doing everything in his power to stop abortion, he is guilty. If I vote for him, I am guilty, because I have it in my power to vote for someone who would be actively against abortion. Besides, McCain is in support of *government funded* embryonic stem cell research. That's not very pro-life. (If you don't believe me, just type "McCain supporting embryonic stem cell research" into google")
To the accusation "A vote for third party is a vote for Obama" I comeback with:
I would agree w/what Obama is, I think it is impossible for us to disagree about his disgusting morals. However, I'm afraid I must digress with you about voting third party as a vote for Obama. Will it perhaps make Obama more likely to win? Maybe. But that's forseeing the end results of the elections, which we can't do. And even if Obama wins, in my view he is the only the greater of two evils. A vote for McCain is better then Obama, but it's not the best I can do. I refuse to quit fighting for the right side, simply because it's the losing side. And if it means the Black wins over the Gray, then at least the white will no longer be so hard to distinguish (and no, I'm not being racial here, I'm simply using the colors in terms of wrong and right). My vote is earned, never given. McCain has no more right to my vote then Obama. I do not cast my vote in fear of the consequences if the worst possible party wins, I cast it in fear of God.
Besides, if I couldn't vote third party, I would abstain from voting entirely. So the statement "voting third party is a vote for Obama" is incorrect, because it is assuming if I couldn't vote third party I would vote for McCain. You cannot say "Not voting is a vote for Obama" you would have to say "Not voting is a vote for either McCain *or* Obama" depending on who won.
And what is my view if Obama wins?
Sometimes (just when I'm being cynical) I almost think it would be better if Obama won, because then things would become radical and people would be more likely to rebel. Obviously with McCain that's not going to happen (i.e. when he voted on the bailout plan, nobody rebelled...) and American is going to continue to go down the drain in such a slow spiral no one seems to notice.
When self-purported Christians say they are voting for Obama...
If someone disagrees that this is not murder, they are burying there heads in the sand, refusing to see Obama as he really is, a man who encourages murder.
If you will not say when a baby has human rights, and believe in infanticide, how far can this go? Can we be killing one and two yrs. olds one day, because deciding when they have rights "is above [our] paygrade"? The sky is the limit with this type of reasoning.
Idk, to me McCain is indirectly for murder as well, and Christians might be able to fool themselves into thinking otherwise if they don't do their research. However, as a Christian I would think we would want to research the man we are putting into a position of great authority over us... is it a sin that we don't?
This all being said, I must also say "To God be the glory" for everything that happens works to the good of His people. I will pray for whoever is put into authority, even if it means I have to pray that they repent and turn to God.
Oh yes, I'm voting third party, Chuck Baldwin in case anyone is interested.
1 comment:
Yay!! you finally posted again!!!
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