I'm telling you they're wrong.
The west is dying, and no amount of immigration, tolerance, or education is going to save it. It's dying because we have forgotten her roots in Christianity. What I have to say here is not anything that has not been said better somewhere else, but it's still true, and you can never have the truth in too many places.
When I say "West" I'm not simply referring to America, Europe is a mess too. America is the last in a long chain of dominoes, and I'm not informed enough to say which country fell first.
The Stockholm riots have been in the news lately, just take a glance at this article to understand how well immigration is working out for Sweden, and for insight as to how giving people an education and a leg up is not the answer to solving the race problem. A multicultural utopia is a Marxist ideal, and it's bound to fail. However, in Germany, they are so committed to the this utopia that some are calling the genocide of the German race, as you can see in the pictures in this blogpost. Apparently they are so committed to multiculturalism they want to destroy their own country in favor of it, ironically they call for the destruction of Germany, nationalism, and the forming of a nation with no borders using the German language, I guess they have at least little use for their heritage that they claim to despise, but they don't seem to make the connection that if they got what they wanted their signs in German would be useless, as really a sign in any language would be. Here's a great article on generational warfare, read the first half to understand how immigration is being used in terms of warfare tactics.
In France you can see the nation fighting homosexual marriage (as we are here in the states) which is a death sentence for any culture. Sodomy is a death sentence by it's very nature, it is the fulfilling of sexual lusts in a way that does not pro-create, and is more likely to spread disease. Not only that, but it is a succumbing to sexual deviancy in a far different, and more serious, manner then heterosexual adultery. In heterosexual adultery you see man denigrating the marriage bed, and this is a problem. But Sodomy is forsaking the natural use of the body and engaging in unnatural acts, and once we have given the head-nod to that we are asking for a land slide of moral death and decay.
Of course France is dealing with other problems as well. A group that started out (supposedly) as a Ukrainian group of woman protesting against the rape has now turned into a hoard of out-of-control woman running around topless, with slogans painted on their naked breasts, screaming like banshees and fighting against the church (or at least Catholicism) any idea of male headship or female submission, calling for Muslim women to strip naked (NOT that I agree with the Muslim version of male headship) and contending for the right of Sodomy. In another article (warning, explicit content) one of the leaders for la femme, or femen, claims that because men think they have the right to talk to her that France is as sexist as any other country. "When I suggested that at least there was less sexism in France than in her homeland, she disagreed. "In France, as in Ukraine, men make comments when I walk by, they try to touch me, they think they have the right to talk to me."" Naturally I don't condone inappropriate behavior, but these women obviously have lost the idea that woman was made for man, and vice versa, and seems to think that as long as a man finds her sexually attractive she can never be free.
Meanwhile in to England we see multiculturalism take its ultimate toll as a man (a English soldier in civvies) was murdered on the streets while his killers stuck around for an interview, not caring to be caught as long as their dastardly deed received publicity. Remember, England has extremely restrictive gun laws so although some brave women tried to protect the body of the already dead and mutilated man, there was no one around to deal properly with the murders until the police arrived twenty minutes later...good thing these men seemed more intent on making a point then going on a killing spree.
Canada's hate crime laws try to make people tolerant by force, makes sense...right? Here the death of Christianity is seen clearly. As Rushdoony says, law is a moral code. You cannot make a law that is not enforcing some sort of morality, and right now it's obviously not Christian Biblical law in place, and we all are suffering for it.
In Spain we see almost what we could call a civil war as firefighters and police clash against each other as Spain can no longer economically continue to sink itself into ungodly debt and the unioned firefighters protest government cuts of their government jobs.
Not to be left behind in this muck race is our own dear country. America the beautiful succumbed to taking a bite of the forbidden fruit a long time ago, and is now trying to open her cavernous mouth wide enough to devour the whole tree. Abortion, Sodomy, government subsidized, poisonous (for insects and humans) food supply in the form of GMOs are just a few things we have freely allowed to trample our Christian beliefs. One has only to look at our trillion dollar deficit, at how Washington D.C. engages in word games in order to cover up lies (think Benghazi, Fast & Furious) and intentionally allows the murder of its own people, to see that we are no longer a nation under God.
The west it dying, not with laments, weeping, or wailing, but with shouts of acclamation and cheers of approbation.
Canada's hate crime laws try to make people tolerant by force, makes sense...right? Here the death of Christianity is seen clearly. As Rushdoony says, law is a moral code. You cannot make a law that is not enforcing some sort of morality, and right now it's obviously not Christian Biblical law in place, and we all are suffering for it.
In Spain we see almost what we could call a civil war as firefighters and police clash against each other as Spain can no longer economically continue to sink itself into ungodly debt and the unioned firefighters protest government cuts of their government jobs.
Not to be left behind in this muck race is our own dear country. America the beautiful succumbed to taking a bite of the forbidden fruit a long time ago, and is now trying to open her cavernous mouth wide enough to devour the whole tree. Abortion, Sodomy, government subsidized, poisonous (for insects and humans) food supply in the form of GMOs are just a few things we have freely allowed to trample our Christian beliefs. One has only to look at our trillion dollar deficit, at how Washington D.C. engages in word games in order to cover up lies (think Benghazi, Fast & Furious) and intentionally allows the murder of its own people, to see that we are no longer a nation under God.
The west it dying, not with laments, weeping, or wailing, but with shouts of acclamation and cheers of approbation.